The Garden of Personalities, also known as the Jardin des Personnalités, is a public garden located in the city of Honfleur in Normandy, France. The garden is dedicated to honoring famous personalities who have visited or lived in Honfleur throughout history.
The appropriate period for the march
Jena Hovor
As a travel expert who specializes in France, I am constantly amazed by the beauty, culture, and diversity of this incredible country. From the vibrant city of Paris to the stunning beaches of the French Riviera, there is something for everyone in France.
The garden features a collection of busts and statues of famous people including artists, writers, musicians, and politicians. Some of the notable figures represented in the garden include Claude Monet, Erik Satie, Alphonse Allais, Samuel de Champlain, and Gustave Courbet.
The garden is located on a hill overlooking the city and offers beautiful views of the harbor and the surrounding landscape. It is a popular spot for visitors to Honfleur, especially those interested in art and history.
What we propose
Anna Kraskovska
Marco Rossi
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